Student Services
As students move through school and life, they will make many choices about their education, career and life. One of the resources available to RCCDSB is myBlueprint, a comprehensive Individual Pathway Planning tool.
MyBlueprint allows students to explore the 4 inquiry questions, develop education and career life planning skills, as well as provides valuable information to help students make informed decisions.
Students log into their myBlueprint account using their RCCDSB credentials and families can also create an account (family instructions). MyBlueprint has many tools for students and families for forwards and backwards planning.

- High School
Visually plan courses, track progress toward graduation, and instantly identify post-secondary eligibility for opportunities in every pathway. This is also the tool used for course selection by students - Post-Secondary
Detailed information on apprenticeships, college programs, university programs and workplace sectors across Canada - Who Am I
6 unique assessments for self-exploration and discovery (including Learning Styles, Myers-Briggs Personality, Holland Interests, Knowledge, Motivations, and Compatibility), completing these quizzes allows students to be matched with suited occupations - Occupations
Compare comprehensive information on occupations Goals – create and track progress towards interactive SMART goals and action plans

- Portfolios
Create personal or career portfolios and share it with parents, teachers, or future employers - Resumes & Cover Letters
Record experiences, build a resume, write a cover letter - Budgets
Build a budget to track income and expenses - Job Search
Find real-world job postings that relate to occupations of interest
RCCDSB Schools:

Bishop Smith Catholic High School
362 Carmody Street Pembroke, ON K8A 4G2 613-735-5496
View SHSM offered here